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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Water Color Painting of a Rose

         Recently I tried my hand on watercolors. I thought it's easy. But it's not so. First I got the papers for the watercolor painting - cold pressed, 300gsm. Then I draw a landscape with pine trees on it. Drawing is good. I started painting. When the water is more in the brush, it dripped all along the painting. I have to take it with a soft cloth.
        I finished the painting and not WOW... it's horrible. Pine trees became banyan trees. Mountains in the background and foreground mixed up very well. When I try to add some dark color to distinguish them, all went blur.  Atlast I did a water color painting.

Differences between oil and watercolor

Oil colors look so natural while painting. But you can't judge watercolor like that. It shows a different version after it dried.
Oil colors blend well during shading or glazing. But a skill is required  while we do with watercolor. It won't blend but overlaps with the underlying color and mix a little.
Overdoing of watercolor will tear your paper a little.
I don't guess these are all true for water color artists. I am used to oil colors. So now I feel oil and canvas go hand in hand than water and paper. I won't let my hope die within me. I am the next one. After five paintings, I got a hold in watercolors. My last one is the rose painting. I hope this brings out the shades well than the earlier ones.

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